Happy New Year Post

Happy new decade, friends. The weather in Canberra is not getting better at all, there is still very smoky, as the bushfire seems coming closer. I hope everyone will be in a safe place. Last year was a very pleasant year for me. I spent a lot of time for myself like piano practising, public speaking training, and sewing and starting this blog. Those things definitely have brought me heaps of fun and improved my concentration level. Sewing and playing music makes me feel so calm, which I never thought that I could enjoy them in my early twenties.

My goals for this year are maintaining the activities that I have been working on since last year. I want to improve my reading habit too, maybe around three to four pages every night. I might need to put away the phone while I am reading as this does distract me very much. I will start learning a new skill: knitting, which delayed last year. My boyfriend bought me a book called “We Are Knitters” for my birthday present, so I should try some basic projects from that book.

For the professional development, I am aiming to finish off the Stage 2 of my Diploma of Project Management study by the end of this year; of course, there will more writing challenges. For the health plan, I will dedicate more time for “Qigong” exercise about two times per week for the start. Lastly, the most important is training my mind to concentrate for every present moment that I have.


Wish everyone all the best,




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